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Environ monit assess journal impact factor

In recent years, anthropogenic activities, notably rapid urbanization, industrialization, and agricultural development, have significantly affected groundwater in the Huangshui River Basin. Thus, ensuring groundwater quality is critical for ensuring healthy drinking water for residents and socioeconomic development of this region. The groundwater in this region is the most primary source of drinking water. The Huangshui River Basin is situated in the eastern part of Qinghai Province, China. Multivariate statistical techniques have been widely used in the water environment, and have contributed to accurately identify the characteristics and control factors of groundwater chemistry. Traditional research methods, such as hydrochemical analyses, descriptive statistics, and identifying the proportional coefficient of hydrochemical ions, are inadequate for meeting the needs of managers.


How to accurately identify the controlling factors of groundwater chemistry is a key topic in the hydrogeochemistry field. Previous studies have found that domestic sewage, industrial wastewater, and chemical fertilizers are important factors controlling the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in areas where human activity is intense, such as alluvial-pluvial fan zones and urban areas. Anthropogenic activity is also a major factor controlling the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater.

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In coastal areas, seawater intrusion is usually the driving factor behind changes of groundwater chemistry. In general, water–rock interactions lead to the dissolution of various minerals, inducing changes in the groundwater chemistry. The characteristics of groundwater chemistry are closely linked to natural factors, such as hydrogeological conditions, lithology of the vadose zone, water–rock interactions, and seawater intrusion. Understanding the characteristics and controlling factors of groundwater hydrochemistry is important for preventing the deterioration of water quality and ensuring sustainable groundwater use. In general, groundwater is an important source of drinking water for human beings, especially in arid regions. Groundwater is an eco-environmental factor and a critical resource required for human life and socioeconomic development. The main controlling factors of groundwater hydrochemistry were water–rock interactions, “physicochemical” factors (nature processes), domestic sewage, chemical fertilizer, and industrial sewage (human activities). The hydrochemical composition of groundwater was mainly controlled by silicate rock weathering. Rock weathering was the major factor influencing the groundwater hydrochemistry, while evaporation–condensation and anthropogenic activities also influenced the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater. Additionally, high proportions of SO 4 (50.6%), Na (32.1%), and Cl (13.5%) groundwater types revealed the influence of anthropogenic activities on the groundwater hydrochemistry. The major hydrochemical types identified in the region were HCO 3-Ca

environ monit assess journal impact factor

The hydrochemical composition of groundwater in industrial areas is more strongly influenced by human activities. Land use types also significantly affected groundwater hydrochemistry. The results showed that total hardness, Fe, NO 3 −, SO 4 2−, and Cl − were primary pollution factors of groundwater in this region, and that 33.3%, 35.3%, 8.97%, 23.1%, and 7.69% of the samples exceeded Grade III standards for groundwater quality in China, respectively. Seventeen hydrochemical parameters of groundwater were investigated at 156 sites in June 2019. Additionally, we identified the controlling factors of groundwater chemistry in this region using multivariate statistical techniques. We studied the characteristics of groundwater chemistry in the Huangshui River Basin in Qinghai Province, China using hydrochemical techniques.

environ monit assess journal impact factor

Understanding the evolution of groundwater chemistry and its controlling factors are imperative for preventing its deterioration and ensuring its sustainable use. Groundwater is an eco-environmental factor and critical resource required for human life and socioeconomic development.

Environ monit assess journal impact factor